
วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 29 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Build Muscle Fast and Smart

Many beginners wish to build muscle as quick as possible, now while plenty of muscle mass and extra strength in a short time is attainable it requires a lot of sweat, hard work and most of all it requires you to eat like a dinosaur. This is where most beginners slip up and only end up putting on a few lbs per month, if that.

Let's begin with training itself. Forget the isolation movements as you want to be doing full compound exercises which attack every muscle in your body. The basic compound exercises are:

- Bench Press

- Squat

- Deadlift

- Bent Over Rows

- Dips

- Leg Press

You really don't need to do any other exercises as these take care of every single muscle in the body. Why didn't I include the barbell curl? Because the arms will be worked during the bench press and deadlifts. Doing much more or any isolation work could lead to overtraining - you must remember less is more when trying to build muscle.

Secondly is the importance of diet. This cannot be emphasized enough. Eat, eat and eat some more. This doesn't mean gorging on pizza and potato chips all day long - it means eating good clean foods which are high in protein, carbohydrates and contain plenty of good fat. Foods you should be consuming while bodybuilding should be:

- Plenty of chicken. I recommend 400g per day

- Large steaks

- Eggs. I recommend at least 8 per day due to there effect on testosterone levels

- Lots of broccoli for vitamins and essential minerals

- Milk to help take in more calories

- Quality Beef Burgers

You should be consuming between 3,000-4,000 calories per day when lifting weights as you need to eat more calories than you burn each day else you simply won't grow. You must workout how many calories you are taking in or your weight training will all go to waste. Be specific and stick to your diet rigidly. If you find eating a lot of chicken boring, add a little bit of curry or barbeque sauce to add a little flavour.

The last and most important thing you need to do when training heavy and consuming plenty of food is simply to rest. You must rest to enable your muscles to repair and grow. You should be making great gains very quickly by following the advice in this article. If you aren't, check your diet or start lifting weights that actually challenge you. You shouldn't be able to do more than 8 reps of any weight on any exercise.

